Thursday, September 19, 2013

Unbelievable Generosity

This past summer, VBS at my church was also my last week as a nanny for the two greatest boys on earth, Finn and Declan. That was a hard week for me, especially since I've worked with them both for so long! I was already dreading the changes, broken hearted at them moving away from me, and not sure what in the world I was going to do with myself; add to that all the commitments I had with VBS and you can imagine my stress.

Wednesday night of that week, Brian and Holley (Finn and Declan's parents) came up to me after VBS was done for the night and asked if they could talk to me.
"Sure!" I said (for a fun little visual, I was still in costume from the skits. A cape, long skirt, and creepy "evil queen" makeup).
"We know you don't want to leave your family behind. But if you come with us and work for a year, we'll pay you more than we're paying you now. After that, you'd only work part time...and we want to pay for you to go to college for 4 years."
*Me, speechless, looking at them with my jaw dropped while trying to keep my composure*

I was in shock. I'm STILL in shock. I don't even remember what I said after they told me all that. I remember that they told me I didn't have to give them an answer right away. So...I thought about it...prayed about it...talked to some people about it...then, that Saturday (while I was watching Monsters University) I realized I'd be an absolute idiot to turn it down.

So I said yes.

I'm moving to Louisiana the first week of January, 2014.

And my mind is completely blown because of how God has been providing for me in such an awesome way. He's brought me through so many good and bad times, delivered me from the toxic relationships I was in, helped me grow and develop good, godly friendships, and now this. HOW AWESOME IS HE?!?!? Even as I sit here writing this, 3.5 months later, I still can't believe it's real!

Wow, I'm amazed!!

Oh, and in case you were wondering, these are the boys I get to see again in January. I can't wait. :)

(Photos courtesy of my friend Amanda at Check it out. She's amazing!)

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