Saturday, August 31, 2013

My Inspiration

   I love movies. I feel like that's a huge understatement, but there's really no other way to say it. And although I love a huge variety of movies, I only have a few that truly inspire me and make me believe that my dreams and goals aren't too big. Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium is at the very top of that list. Haven't seen it? Stop reading and find it. Seriously.

  I'm not even going to start talking about the acting, even though Dustin Hoffman (who is one of my personal favorites) is absolutely PHENOMENAL! No, I want to tell you about why it's inspiring to me:
  First, this entire movie is quotable. I kid you not, this movie is full of simple wisdom. A few examples-
                         "Your life is an occasion. Rise to it."
                         "May I suggest you stun the world?"
              Molly: "Now we wait."
Mr. Magorium: "No. We Breathe. We Pulse. We Regenerate. Our hearts beat. Our minds create. Our souls ingest. Thirty-seven seconds, well used, is a lifetime."
          and, my personal favorite, this beautiful quote about death:
Mr. Magorium: "When King Lear dies in Act V, do you know what Shakespeare has written? He's written 'He dies.' That's all, nothing more. No fanfare, no metaphor, no brilliant final words. The culmination of the most influential work of dramatic literature is 'He dies.' It takes Shakespeare, a genius, to come up with 'He dies.' And yet every time I read those two words, I find myself overwhelmed with dysphoria. And I know it's only natural to be sad, but not because of the words 'He dies.' but because of the life we saw prior to the words."

(I won't lie, that part never fails to make me tear up. So amazing!)

So apart from those quotes, this movie is about more than being yourself. It's about more than finding yourself. It's about more than being happy. If I had to sum it up, I'd say it's all about realizing what you're capable of...and then utterly and completely exceeding it. Just blowing it out of the water. Stunning the world...and possibly even yourself. And why not? Why settle with getting by? No. Go and stun the world.

To get you motivated to watch this spectacular movie, here's a small clip: King Lear

Enjoy. :)

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